Improvement of highway 4 between Vehniä - Äänekoski

Improvement of highway 4 between Vehniä - Äänekoski

The goal of upgrading Highway 4 has been to improve road safety for the connection and to provide for the future needs of traffic by building Highway 4 into a four-lane and semi-central railing. The sizable parallel road arrangements for the entire stretch of highway to a predominantly new location. One new intersection for Hirvaskylä. The share will be linked to four interchanges in the future. Measuring noise control measures, approximately 7 km on a section of noise control structures.




Keski-Suomen ELY-keskus


Traffic planning, Bridges and special structures, Road planning, Foundation engineering, Rock engineering design


100 M€



Our other references

Matinkartano Bridge, Espoo

Matinkartano Bridge, Espoo

Accession arrangements for Matinkartanontie and Nelikkotie, Espoo

Accession arrangements for Matinkartanontie and Nelikkotie, Espoo

Teollisuuskatu Tunnel, Helsinki

Teollisuuskatu Tunnel, Helsinki

Äänekoski roundabouts, Äänekoski

Äänekoski roundabouts, Äänekoski

The Tampere Tunnel, Tampere

The Tampere Tunnel, Tampere

City Centre Service Tunnel, Helsinki

City Centre Service Tunnel, Helsinki