Tyks Lighthouse Hospital, Turku

Tyks Lighthouse Hospital, Turku

Southwest Finland Hospital District’s building  "Tyks  Lighthouse Hospital" has been build over a railway and road. The following services can be found in the building: paediatric and adolescent medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics, ear, nose and throat diseases, oral and maxillofacial diseases and medical imaging.




Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiiri


Project and construction management, Cost calculation, Safety coordination, Acoustical design, Vibration and ground-borne noise, Structural and element engineering, Quantity calculation


53 600 m²


189 M€



Our other references

The new building of the old hospital in Vaasa, Vaasa

The new building of the old hospital in Vaasa, Vaasa

Siilinjärvi Health Services Premises, Siilinjärvi, Finland

Siilinjärvi Health Services Premises, Siilinjärvi, Finland

Tampere University Hospital, Clinical Nuclear Medicine and Haematology, Tampere

Tampere University Hospital, Clinical Nuclear Medicine and Haematology, Tampere

FinVector, clean room laboratory, Kuopio

FinVector, clean room laboratory, Kuopio

Tampere University Hospital autopsy unit, Tampere

Tampere University Hospital autopsy unit, Tampere

Children’s hospital extension, Helsinki

Children’s hospital extension, Helsinki