Tampere University Hospital autopsy unit, Tampere

Tampere University Hospital autopsy unit, Tampere

A project was carried out for the building housing Tampere University Hospital’s autopsy department and patient archives. A tunnel was built to connect this to the main building. The project was realised between 2010 and 2013.




Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiiri


Project and construction management, Supervision services, Hospitals and healthcare facilities, Foundation engineering, Building information modelin, BIM, HVAC engineering, Building automation


6 193 brm²


17 M€



Our other references

Oulu University Future Hospital 2030, Oulu

Oulu University Future Hospital 2030, Oulu

The new building of the old hospital in Vaasa, Vaasa

The new building of the old hospital in Vaasa, Vaasa

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Tampere University Hospital refurbishment, A, B, P and K buildings, Tampere

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Järvenpää Social and Healthcare Centre (JUST), Järvenpää

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