Laakso Joint Hospital, Helsinki

Laakso Joint Hospital, Helsinki

The City of Helsinki and HUS will reform the Laakso Hospital area between 2022 and 2030. The project will be implemented by the Laakso Joint Hospital Alliance.

The City of Helsinki and HUS will renovate the buildings in the Laakso Hospital area especially for the benefit of customers and patients. The treatment of psychiatric and physical (somatic) illnesses will be close to each other. Customers and patients will receive help from one single location, and professionals in different fields can collaborate to facilitate the solving of treatment-related issues. 





KOy Laakson yhteissairaalan / Helsingin kaupunki ja HUS


Hospitals and healthcare facilities, Acoustical design, Architectural and principal design , Rock engineering design


838 M€



Our other references

Tampere University Hospital refurbishment, A, B, P and K buildings, Tampere

Tampere University Hospital refurbishment, A, B, P and K buildings, Tampere

Savilahti Sports and Events Centre Luola

Savilahti Sports and Events Centre Luola

Kirkkonummi Health and Wellbeing Centre

Kirkkonummi Health and Wellbeing Centre

HUS Siltasairaala hospital, Helsinki

HUS Siltasairaala hospital, Helsinki

Päijät-Häme Central Hospital, Lahti

Päijät-Häme Central Hospital, Lahti

Tampere University Hospital autopsy unit, Tampere

Tampere University Hospital autopsy unit, Tampere