Retkeilijänkatu 3-7, Helsinki

Retkeilijänkatu 3-7, Helsinki

Retkeilijänkatu 3-7 comprises of three apartment buildings, which accommodate 76 apartments as well as commercial and office space. The buildings are located along a narrow rocky site between Retkeilijänkatu and a cycling and pedestrian route, that runs alongside the metro line. Redbrick is the predominate facade material, while the ground floor level is a dark grey honed concrete and the upper floor a light-coloured graphic concrete.  Balcony facades on the metro side are partially clad in colourful aluminium louvres. The project was realised using the so-called ‘Integrated project delivery’ (IPD) method and building information modelling (BIM) was used during the design process by all members of the design team.

Architecture firm Konkret:




OP Kiinteistösijoitus Oy


Architectural and principal design



Our other references

Vattuniemi, circular economy expert 1a

Vattuniemi, circular economy expert 1a

Heka Isosaarentie, Helsinki

Heka Isosaarentie, Helsinki

Housing company As Oy Tammelan Keskus, Tampere

Housing company As Oy Tammelan Keskus, Tampere

DAS Kelo, Rovaniemi

DAS Kelo, Rovaniemi

KOy Willa Viola, Tampere

KOy Willa Viola, Tampere