Preparation of general and implementation plans for the yard areas and surroundings of Kiiminkipuisto School, Oulu

Preparation of general and implementation plans for the yard areas and surroundings of Kiiminkipuisto School, Oulu

Preparation of an implementation plan for the secondary school’s yard areas, the upper secondary school, the Syke complex, and Kiiminkipuisto linked to them.

The planning work covered the design of the transport routes, arrangements for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, bicycle parking areas, the square connecting the school, the upper secondary school and the Syke complex, the school yard, the play area and the stormwater drainage system.




Rakennusteho Oy, Oulun Tilapalvelut


Street planning, Landscape planning



Our other references

Tampere University Hospital refurbishment, A, B, P and K buildings, Tampere

Tampere University Hospital refurbishment, A, B, P and K buildings, Tampere

Porin Noormarkun Ruukki Art Museum Amendment, Pori

Porin Noormarkun Ruukki Art Museum Amendment, Pori

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Kirstinpuisto city plan, Turku

Koulunmäki traffic plan, Laukaa

Koulunmäki traffic plan, Laukaa

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Suvilahti housing fair area, Vaasa