Haukilahden Merilinnake, Espoo

Haukilahden Merilinnake, Espoo

Espoon Haukilahden Merilinnake housing company includes two high-class residential apartment buildings and a parking facility. Both apartment buildings have basement floors with warehouses, technical facilities, civil shelters and common areas. A total of 22 high-class apartments were be built on the upper floors. Large living rooms with full-width windows, high ceilings, large south and west terraces with sea views ensure comfort. Merilinnake is designed to naturally blend into the park and beach landscape. When viewed from the sea, Merilinnake shapes the coastal landscape of Haukilahti, bringing a fresh, 21st-century touch to it.

Designing studio: Konkret https://konkret.fi/




Taitokaari Oy


Architectural and principal design