The new building of the old hospital in Vaasa, Vaasa

The new building of the old hospital in Vaasa, Vaasa

The new building will rise in a beautiful park area, near the hospital's current main building designed by C.L Engel in the 19th century. Forensic psychiatry patients will be treated in the new building. The new building  will have a modern and safe treatment environment, patients have their own single rooms and better opportunities for outdoor activities than now. In the construction, the goal is a good four-star level of the classification of the environmental certification system developed by Rakennustieto for Finnish conditions.






Project and construction management, Supervision services, Building services engineering, Cost calculation, Moisture control


5 500 m²


26 M€



Our other references

HUS Tammisairaala Hospital, Helsinki

HUS Tammisairaala Hospital, Helsinki

Tartu University Hospital Extension, phase 3, Tartu

Tartu University Hospital Extension, phase 3, Tartu

Lahti City Hospital

Lahti City Hospital

Medisiina D, Turku

Medisiina D, Turku

E building, Tampere University Hospital renovation project 2020, Tampere

E building, Tampere University Hospital renovation project 2020, Tampere

Tampere University Hospital autopsy unit, Tampere

Tampere University Hospital autopsy unit, Tampere