Puotila Primary School, Helsinki, Finland

Puotila Primary School, Helsinki, Finland

A new school building will be built to replace the demolished primary school in Puotila, which will include facilities for pre-schoola and primary  schools as well as evening users. The building will be implemented using a life cycle model implemented by Lujatalo Oy. The service provider is responsible for 20 years of property maintenance, upkeep and energy consumption. The house will be built to be very energy efficient and low in carbon footprint. More than 15% of the energy used by the building is realized on the site with renewable energy sources. 




Helsingin kaupunki


Project and construction management, Supervision services, Building services engineering


5740 brm²


23.7 M€



Our other references

Etelä-Hervanta school, Tampere, Finland

Etelä-Hervanta school, Tampere, Finland

Turenki school and  multipurpose building

Turenki school and multipurpose building

Länsi-Puijo School, Kuopio

Länsi-Puijo School, Kuopio

Kindergarten Mustikkaharju, Rovaniemi

Kindergarten Mustikkaharju, Rovaniemi

Säkylä School Centre, Säkylä

Säkylä School Centre, Säkylä

Aurora school, Espoo

Aurora school, Espoo