Lighting around Malminkartano station

Lighting around Malminkartano station

The Malminkartano station area was given a new personal lighting identity to Malminkartanonaukio, Puustellinpolku and Puustellinaukio. Ball lamps suspended from pendants shine a soft white light, creating a warm, cosy atmosphere in the area. The lighting of the area itself is provided by a precision light that is directed directly downwards from the globes, creating a completely glare-free and contrasting lighting effect. The balls of light are also used to illuminate works of art in the area. Around the station, the lighting was upgraded to make it more uniform and energy efficient. In the square of Malminkartano event electricity centre was installed to facilitate event organisation.




Helsingin kaupunki


Lighting design, Electrical engineering



Our other references

Lighting around Kannelmäki station

Lighting around Kannelmäki station

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