Hallinoja Bridge - Tampere tram line, Tampere

Hallinoja Bridge - Tampere tram line, Tampere

Hallinoja Bridge is the longest bridge in Tampere’s tram network. The bridge is located west of the Hervanna main road and it crosses the Vihioja stream at a height of about 15 metres. It has a drill pile foundation consisting of large-diameter piles. In addition, we designed the widening of the Teiskontie tunnel for the tram line, carried out structural engineering for three support walls, and participated in the preparation of second-stage bridge plans for Sepänkatu bridge, Santalahti gangway and two tram line bridges and one road transport bridge in Hiedanranta.






Bridges and special structures



Our other references

Joensuu railway yard, Joensuu

Joensuu railway yard, Joensuu

Pispala Haulitorni, Tampere

Pispala Haulitorni, Tampere

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