Joint Renovation Project, Annala Tampere

Joint Renovation Project, Annala Tampere

The Annalan Viitoset (Annala Five) project started as a joint renovation programme between five housing companies focusing on the renovation of wet spaces and building services. Built in 1975–1977, the seven-storey concrete residential blocks are located in the district of Annala in Tampere. By placing the contracts under joint tendering, significant synergy benefits were achieved, including competitive pricing. The joint programme was eventually carried out by four housing companies.




As Oy Annalanpuisto, Annalanreuna, Annalanrinne, Annalantörmä ja Annalanharju (ei toteutusvaihetta)


Project planning, Project and construction management, Supervision services, Plumbing and drainage renovation


5.4 M€



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