
Finnish–German specialist group to support the Norwegian national disposal facility for radioactive waste

Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning NND has signed a contract with Finnish AINS Group together with subconsultants VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and German BGE Technology concerning the technical design for the comprehensive disposal solution for radioactive waste in Norway.

The framework agreement signed on the 20th of January covers extensive technical assistance for the Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning (NND) during the upcoming years in NND’s project to develop a national facility for all radioactive waste in Norway.

Decommissioning nuclear facilities and disposal of nuclear waste are complex issues covering a wide variety of expertise. We are relying for longstanding partnership with specialists that are highly competent in the field of nuclear waste management, says Pål Mikkelsen, CEO, NND.

As government agency NND is responsible for developing a safe, cost-effective, and comprehensive solution for disposal of all existing Norwegian radioactive waste and the waste that is estimated to be generated within the next 100 years.

Norway’s inventory of radioactive waste is characterized by high level waste from the research reactors in Halden and Kjeller, taken out of operation. In addition there will be low and intermediate level waste from the planned decommissioning of the research reactors and other nuclear facilities. Norway has also other low level waste generated by e.g. medical sector.

AINS Group, together with subconsultants Finnish VTT and German BGE Technology, have extensive experience in the Finnish, German and other international radioactive waste management programmes as well as expertise in design, safety assessment, construction and operation of radioactive waste repositories. Finland is the first, and so far the only country in the world that has licenced the construction of geological disposal facility for high level waste.

This contract is a strong demonstration of how our experience in all stages of final disposal can benefit other national projects in Europe and globally. Planning a safe and stable disposal facility requires strong competences in long-term safety, geological conditions, waste features, barrier systems and facility planning as well as comprehensive project and cost management experience, says Timo Saanio, Vice President, Civil Engineering, AINS Group.

For more information:
Pål Mikkelsen, CEO, Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning
tel. +47 948 33 423

Timo Saanio, Vice President, A-Insinöörit Civil Oy
tel. +358 40 506 5671

Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning (NND) is an agency under the ministry of Trade, Industry and fisheries responsible for safe handling, storage and disposal of nuclear waste in Norway.

VTT Technical research centre of Finland –

BGE Technology –

Photo by IFE (Institute for Energy Technology Norway)